Her hairstyle (a severe undercut) has led to some backdraft due to its association with various subcultures such as gay subculture, which Cora wasn't a part of. Therefore, only someone who inherited Alec and Ellens genes - the twins - could successfully merge with SAM. SAM was initially constructed to primarily enhance only Alec and Ellen. The tie-in novel Mass Effect Initiation reveals yet another reason - SAM is genetically incompatible with Cora since an experimental offshoot of SAM merged with Cora and enhanced her, but became highly unstable and needed to be consumed by SAM to save it.He didn't want to go through the effort of waking her up, only for her to mourn the death of her child. There's an even simpler reason that SAM describes at the end of Alec's logs.Another reason is that the chosen Ryder sibling might be Ensign Newbie on paper, but Alec's long association with the project meant that his children practically grew up with the project and were both informally training for the role their entire lives.This portrays Cora as being too much of a good soldier and loyal follower to take on a pathfinder's role, which involves a lot of out of the box thinking.

Ryder, on the other hand, can recognize the pragmatism of that decision. She bought into the mythos so much that when she and Ryder discover that the asari pathfinder (Sarissa), the exemplar of what an asari commando should be, sacrificed the previous pathfinder (and her protectee) for the supposed greater good, she immediately calls out Sarissa for doing so. Cora completely bought into the asari commando doctrine, especially focusing on what it means to be a good Tianma or bodyguard. However, Cora's Loyalty Mission reveals that there is a deeper reason as to why Alec bypassed her with so much power and responsibility. It would initially seem as though his reason was that the chosen sibling would become a lot more intertwined with SAM than Cora could ever hope to be and would therefore be enhanced far more by SAM. At first, it is confounding that Alec Ryder picked one of his children (an inexperienced Ensign Newbie) to succeed him as Pathfinder instead of his second (Cora), as is common protocol.If the Initiative had gone with N7-style helmets instead, Alec may not have had to sacrifice himself in the first place. Unfortunately, putting visibility over protection led to Ryder's helmet cracking under pressure not just once, but twice. The standard Initiative helmets have the same design, minus Alec's N7 colors.Shepard was more of a soldier fighting enemies while Ryder is more of an explorer, hence the difference. Shepard's helmet was a combat helmet that covered their whole face, while Ryder's helmet has a larger visor to allow them to see more clearly.By the time they caught on, the terrforming machines ("Vaults") had been turned off for centuries, leaving most of the planets inhospitable rocks that were even worse off than before. It's explained very early on that an ancient race of Precursors had been terraforming planets in the Heleus Cluster, and that the Initiative simply failed to realize this as the reason so many planets there were golden worlds.Also, the Initiative is likely exploring the cluster more thoroughly than what would have been done in the Milky Way without the Mass Relays to provide a easier alternative method of travel than regular FTL.Without the regularly scheduled genocide, the Andromeda galaxy has a much larger abundance of living worlds. However, if you look at the descriptions for many of the lifeless planets in Mass Effect 1 and 2, you'll see that many of them used to have life before the Reapers wiped them out. At first, it doesn't seem to make sense that the Heleus Cluster has so many habitable planets and races compared to the Milky Way clusters (which had maybe three garden worlds at most).